Role Of Git In DevOps

Now that you know what is Git, you should know Git is an integral part of DevOps. DevOps is the practice of bringing agility to the process of development and operations. It’s an entirely new ideology that has swept IT organizations worldwide, boosting project life-cycles and in turn increasing profits. DevOps promotes communication between development engineers and operations, participating together in the entire service life-cycle, from design through the development process to production support. The diagram below depicts the Devops life cycle and displays how Git fits in Devops.

Git In DevOps - What Is Git - Edureka

Git In DevOps –  The diagram above shows the entire life cycle of Devops starting from planning the project to its deployment and monitoring. Git plays a vital role when it comes to managing the code that the collaborators contribute to the shared repository. This code is then extracted for performing continuous integration to create a build and test it on the test server and eventually deploy it on the production. Tools like Git enable communication between the development and the operations team. When you are developing a large project with a huge number of collaborators, it is very important to have communication between the collaborators while making changes in the project. Commit messages in Git play a very important role in communicating among the team. The bits and pieces that we all deploy lies in the Version Control system like Git. To succeed in DevOps, you need to have all of the communication in Version Control. Hence, Git plays a vital role in succeeding at DevOps.

Companies Using Git

Git Interest By Time Graph - What Is Git - Edureka

Git has earned way more popularity compared to other version control tools available in the market like Apache Subversion(SVN), Concurrent Version Systems(CVS), Mercurial etc. You can compare the interest of Git by time with other version control tools with the graph collected from Google Trends above .In large companies, products are generally developed by developers located all around the world. To enable communication among them, Git is the solution. Some companies that use Git for version control are: Facebook, Yahoo, Zynga, Quora, Twitter, eBay, Salesforce, Microsoft and many more. Lately, all of Microsoft’s new development work has been in Git features. Microsoft is migrating .NET and many of its open source projects on GitHub which are managed by Git.  One of such projects is the LightGBM. It is a fast, distributed, high performance gradient boosting framework based on decision tree algorithms which is used for ranking, classification and many other machine learning tasks. Here, Git plays an important role in managing this distributed version of LightGBM by providing speed and accuracy.

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